Java Packages

Java Packages: Organizing and Managing Code

In Java, packages are used to organize classes, interfaces, and other components into a structured hierarchy. Packages help avoid naming conflicts, make code easier to find and reuse, and improve the manageability of large projects. By grouping related classes, packages bring a modular structure to code, which is essential for any scalable project.

What is a Java Package?

A package is essentially a namespace that organizes a set of related classes and interfaces. For instance, the standard Java library contains packages such as:

  • java.util for utility classes (like ArrayList and HashMap).
  • for input/output classes (like File and BufferedReader).

Packages in Java are divided into two main types:

  1. Built-in packages: Provided by Java, such as java.lang, java.util,, etc.
  2. User-defined packages: Custom packages created by developers to organize their classes and interfaces.

Why Use Packages?

Java packages provide several benefits:

  • Avoid Naming Conflicts: Packages help prevent naming conflicts by providing namespaces. For example, you can have classes with the same name in different packages.
  • Organized Code: Packages group related classes, making your project more structured and maintainable.
  • Code Reusability: Classes within packages can be reused in other projects.
  • Access Protection: Packages enable controlled access using visibility modifiers.

Creating and Using Packages in Java

1. Declaring a Package

To declare a package, use the package keyword at the beginning of a Java file. For example:

package com.example.myapp;

After declaring the package, all classes in that file become part of com.example.myapp. This line must be the first statement in the Java file (excluding comments).

2. Creating a Class in a Package

Here’s an example of creating a Student class in a package called school:


package school;

public class Student {
    private String name;
    private int grade;

    public Student(String name, int grade) { = name;
        this.grade = grade;

    public void displayInfo() {
        System.out.println("Name: " + name + ", Grade: " + grade);

3. Compiling Java Packages

When compiling classes that are in packages, navigate to the directory where the package is located and compile using the command:

javac school/

This will create a .class file within the package directory.

4. Importing Packages

To use a class from a package in another class, use the import keyword:

import school.Student;

Or use import school.*; to import all classes within the school package.

Example of Importing and Using a Package:

import school.Student;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Student student = new Student("Alice", 10);

5. Using Static Imports

Java also allows importing static members of a class, such as constants or static methods. To do this, use import static:

import static java.lang.Math.PI;
import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;

public class TestMath {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Square root of 16: " + sqrt(16));
        System.out.println("Value of PI: " + PI);

Package Naming Conventions

Java package names typically follow a reverse domain name system to ensure uniqueness. For example:

  • com.companyname.projectname.module
  • org.openai.productname

By convention, package names should be in lowercase.

Access Modifiers and Packages

Access modifiers control the accessibility of classes and their members within packages:

  • Public: Public classes or members are accessible from any package.
  • Default: When no modifier is used, the class or member is package-private, meaning it’s accessible only within its own package.
  • Protected and Private modifiers apply to class members and can further restrict access.

Example: Creating a Multi-Class, Multi-Package Application

Suppose you want to create a simple application to manage books and authors using two packages: library and library.authors.

  1. Create the Book class in the library package.


package library;

import library.authors.Author;

public class Book {
    private String title;
    private Author author;

    public Book(String title, Author author) {
        this.title = title; = author;

    public void displayBookInfo() {
        System.out.println("Title: " + title);
  1. Create the Author class in the library.authors package.


package library.authors;

public class Author {
    private String name;

    public Author(String name) { = name;

    public void displayAuthorInfo() {
        System.out.println("Author: " + name);
  1. Use the Book and Author classes in a main class.


import library.Book;
import library.authors.Author;

public class LibraryTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Author author = new Author("George Orwell");
        Book book = new Book("1984", author);

In this example:

  • The Book class from the library package references the Author class from the library.authors package.
  • By organizing code in packages, you achieve a modular structure, with different functionalities clearly separated.


Here are some exercises to practice creating and using packages in Java.

Exercise 1: Organizing Classes in a Package

  1. Create a package named company.
  2. Inside the company package, create an Employee class with:
  • Private fields name (String) and position (String).
  • Constructor, getters, and a displayInfo method to print employee details.
  1. Create a separate class, CompanyTest, in the default package.
  2. Import the Employee class and test it by creating an Employee object and displaying its information.

Expected Outcome: You should see the Employee class organized within the company package and accessible in CompanyTest through the import statement.

Exercise 2: Using Nested Packages

  1. Create a package
  2. Inside, create a class Course with private fields courseName and courseCode.
  3. Add a constructor, getters, and a method displayCourseInfo() to print course details.
  4. Create another package university.students.
  5. In university.students, create a class Student with private fields studentName and studentID, along with methods to set and display student information.
  6. In a main class, import both Course and Student and test them.

Expected Outcome: You should be able to create and display instances of Course and Student from their respective packages.

Exercise 3: Practice Access Modifiers with Packages

  1. Create a package product.
  2. Inside product, create a class Item with:
  • A public field name.
  • A protected field price.
  • A default field description.
  • A private field serialNumber.
  1. Add methods to access and modify these fields, and test their accessibility from within the package and from another package.

Expected Outcome: Observe the visibility restrictions of different access modifiers, especially protected and default, when trying to access them from another package.

Exercise 4: Working with Static Imports

  1. Create a package mathutilities with a class MathUtils containing:
  • A public static final double constant PI (3.14159).
  • A public static method square(double number) that returns the square of a number.
  1. Create a main class, import the static members of MathUtils, and use them to display the value of PI and the square of a number.

Expected Outcome: You should be able to use PI and square without prefixing them with MathUtils. due to the static import.

Exercise 5: Creating a Package Hierarchy for an E-Commerce Application

  1. Create packages for an e-commerce application:
  • ecommerce.products for product-related classes.
  • ecommerce.users for user-related classes.
  • ecommerce.orders for order-related classes.
  1. In each package, create a representative class (Product, User, Order) with relevant fields and methods.
  2. Create a main class to test importing and using these classes.

Expected Outcome: This exercise will help you understand how to structure larger applications with multiple packages and classes.


Java packages are a powerful tool for organizing and modularizing code, making it easier to manage large projects, reuse code, and avoid naming conflicts.

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